Certified Family Mediator Weston Florida2021-11-12T11:45:26-05:00
Weston Florida Certified Family Mediator Liliana L Guarino

Certified Family Mediator in Weston Florida – Empowering couples by facilitating their future as a neutral party.

You’re ready to move on. You need to make if official. Doing it yourself is not an option. But spending a lot of money on a conventional divorce is something you need to avoid if at all possible. If this describes your situation, and your spouse is of the same mindset, mediation may be right for you.

Family Mediation as a divorce option – Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer financing?2024-12-06T22:49:48-05:00

Yes, we do. We have partnered with Affirm, which offers flexible payment options that allow customers to pay over time, giving them control, convenience, and increased purchasing power. Learn more about Affirm.

What to expect from a free consultation phone call with Liliana L Guarino2024-09-17T11:48:27-04:00

What to expect at your free consultation

Why do you offer a free consultation?

I think it’s only fair for the potential client to get to know me and to talk to me for a few minutes and see if we can be a good match. If they can trust my expertise, they can questions about my background and I think that’s very important. I mean, family law is personal, and you need to have this clique with your attorney and also it’s a two-way for me. It’s also a way for me to see if I can be a good match for that client and to help if I can be of help to them. That’s why I do it.

How soon after I sign up will the free consultation take place?

It takes about a week depending on the schedule, it could be more or less. But one week is the reasonable time.

How long is the free consultation?

The free consultation is only 15, 20 minutes. We discuss non-confidential information and what the law says. Basically, what the process may be, but it’s about 15, 20 minutes.

Does client confidentiality apply to free consultations?

Not for the first consultation. There is no client attorney relationship yet established, so confidential information should not be disclosed in this first initial free consolidation.

Will you answer all of my questions?

I will answer any questions that would not involve giving legal advice because again, I am not the attorney of record, not their attorney, not yet, so I can’t give legal advice. Specific legal advice to the person.

What is the next step?

It’s basically up to you, we don’t follow up. We don’t send follow-up emails or letters. Nothing. If the client wants to move forward and retain my services, they contact the office again and my office sends sample of what the retainer is, that is the contract, to start moving forward. They review it, if they’re okay with it, they sign it, and we start moving forward from there.

How long after the final hearing will the divorce take?2021-11-12T15:20:21-05:00

You will be divorced on that same day.

How much are filing fees?2021-11-12T15:20:30-05:00

Filing fees are determined by Broward County.

Can I get my name changed during the Mediation process?2021-11-12T15:21:13-05:00

Name changes are included in the package purchased from the court house. Name change is an option. There is no additional charge for changing your name if done during the final divorce stage with the courts. Name changes require personal appearance.

If someone decides to change a name after the divorce that would be a separate petition.

What happens once the Mediation agreement is completed?2021-11-12T15:21:20-05:00

The Settlement Agreement and Parenting Plan are the final deliverables. Next you must purchase a package for divorce at the courthouse. Fill out the forms and file the petition for divorce without an attorney.

Only the petitioner appears for a final hearing where the judge signs a final judgement of the dissolution of marriage. No attorney is necessary. Mediators cannot file papers or appear with them in front of the judge.

Why is Mediation less expensive than divorce?2021-11-12T15:21:27-05:00

You do not pay for 2 lawyers, only one mediator. Mediation allows for the minimum of court intervention.

Is Mediation Confidential?2021-11-12T15:21:35-05:00

Mediation is confidential. Should you choose divorce after attempting mediation, no information conveyed during the mediation can be divulged in court. Both parties sign a disclaimer that they understand how the process works.

What is the role of a Family Mediator?2021-11-12T15:21:42-05:00

A Family Mediator is a facilitator that acts as a neutral party. They do not represent either party. Both parties are always present. They dictate their goals to the mediator. A mediator asks questions and provides options without giving legal advice. The mediator prepares the agreement.

What are reasons for choosing Family Mediation?2017-08-31T19:11:11-04:00

Mediation is less expensive than divorce. With mediation, you do not retain a lawyer. Mediation allows the both of you to make important decisions instead of leaving it up to a judge.

Are we a good fit for Family Mediation?2017-08-29T16:22:13-04:00

If you and your spouse can work together. If you both make decisions based on the best interest of the children and are committed to maintain that relationship for the children you are good candidates for Family Mediation.

Schedule a personal consultation with Liliana

This is for scheduling an initial free consultation only.

*Please note: Liliana L Guarino reserves the right to determine if her Family Mediation service is appropriate for your situation.

Live Video Chat with Liliana!

Liliana is available for private consultations via video chat. Call (954) 389-3337 or email her to schedule yours today!
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