Prenuptial agreements have become commonplace when someone with significant assets decides to marry. The other party may feel there is little choice in signing the agreement if they want the marriage to happen. Instead of viewing it as a mandate I suggest looking at the marriage as an opportunity to better oneself.
Becoming financially stable creates opportunities that may have not been possible in the past. Take advantage of your new status and do something to better YOUR life. During the marriage be proactive. Go back to school, start a new career, prepare and save for a rainy day. Get yourself in a better position than you are today. After all, who knows what the future holds.
Facts about Prenuptial Agreements:
- Cannot be done in a rush. Must leave time for both parties to review.
- Both parties should have independent legal advice
- Full financial information must be exchanged
- Most children’s issues cannot be part of a Prenuptial Agreement
- Prenups are not filed with the courts. It is a private document that you keep. It is only filed as part of a divorce.
- Prenuptial Agreements are legally-binding and do not expire unless that is part of the agreement
As a family law attorney we can prepare or review a prenuptial agreement. For more information contact Liliana at (954) 389-3337.