Looking to divorce in the most cost-effective way possible?
A mediator is often less expense than a divorce attorney – even if the mediator is also a divorce attorney! Why? Because a mediator acts as a neutral facilitator, while the parties do most of the work!
A mediation can be accomplished in as little as 2 1-hour sessions if both parties are amicable. But most take more time, 4 hours or more. Even at that, mediation still costs less than a conventional divorce. Zoom meetings are a way to speed up the process while staying safe.
The Mediator’s job ends when the parties have an agreement. The Mediator does not file your divorce with the courts, you do that. It is advisable (but not required) that each party have the agreement reviewed by the attorney of their choice.
Another important point to keep in mind is if a mediation fails, the mediator attorney cannot represent either party in a subsequent divorce.
Liliana L Guarino is a state of Florida certified mediator and a licensed divorce attorney. For more information call 954-389-3337.