The following provides some general information to give you an idea of what to expect when hiring an attorney. It is important to note that the cost of a divorce varies depending on the unique circumstances of each case.
Typically, when you retain an attorney for a divorce, you must pay a retainer fee. This fee usually ranges between $3000 and $5000. The retainer covers the initial phase of the divorce process, including paying the attorney and staff and filing fees.
Liliana educates her clients on how to proceed in the most economical way possible. We can save you money by being transparent, responsive, and honest throughout the process.
The next step is for the parties to exchange financial documents. It is essential to provide complete and accurate financial information upfront, as this will ultimately result in lower attorney costs.
Once a month, Liliana will issue a bill detailing how your retainer has been allocated and the balance remaining. When the retainer balance gets close to $500, Liliana will review with you where the case is and determine how much the next payment will be. If the case is going smoothly and heading for settlement, the following payment may be your last. However, the next installment could be as much or more than the retainer for cases where litigation is imminent.
If you are concerned about the cost of a divorce, you can ask Liliana about your options during your free consultation.