As I look back on my situation it was hard, terrifying in fact.
By Brunilde Bustamante
It was chaos. My native country of Venezuela was in turmoil. Hugo Chávez was leading us into a life of communism. My then husband, a native Cuban, had lived under the dictatorship of Castro and he was not going to let it happen again. We decided to get out. To come to America.
Getting a Visa to enter the U.S. from Venezuela was difficult. It took me many years to obtain legal documentation to work and get a driver’s license in the U.S. So I became a stay-at-home mom and raised our children. This isolation was an adjustment for me. In Venezuela I was a teacher for 10 years. During that time things began to change in my marriage. Bitterness set it. A distinct lack of respect towards me grew until I could not take it anymore. I had to get out.
Facing divorce in a country that was not mine was very scary. I felt hopeless. I knew no one. Then with one call everything changed.
From my first meeting with Liliana she really heard me. I felt she wasn’t the typical lawyer. She really cared. I did not need to interview others, I knew Liliana was the divorce attorney for me. I spend many times crying in her office. It became my sanctuary. Liliana consoled and supported me. To this day I cannot thank her enough for what she did.
Liliana is compassionate. But don’t let her humanity fool you. She is very smart! I was impressed with her throughout the process. She is very alert and always seemed to know where the opposing counsel was headed, which kept us one step ahead. The final agreement was very good!
It has been 2 years since my divorce. I am now a resident of the United States of America and have my citizenship interview next month. With the encouragement of Liliana I went back to school. Last month I received my Master’s degree from Nova Southeastern University in Education Science in Spanish Language Education.
As I look back on my situation it was hard, terrifying in fact. My advice is don’t be afraid. You must be brave! Liliana can give you advice. Trust me when I say you will be a better version of yourself.